Friday, May 16, 2014


Until recently whenever I was to see or hear a melodica I basically thought it was no more than a toy. A plastic piano that you blow? It can't be up to much?

Then around a year ago I started playing in a band where the keyboard player was using one to good effect and my views started to change. Not only did it sound good, but what a useful thing to carry around, especially while travelling. The perfect practice instrument.

A few weeks ago I purchased my own. A very basic but useful Hohner 26 key student model. It comes with a hard case and a couple of mouthpieces.

So far it's turned out to be the perfect addition to my practice gear. I'm too new to the instrument to yet play it in public, but taking it with me wherever I go has turned out to be very useful. Practicing, transcribing, impromptu name it. What a find!

I think eventually I would like to set aside some time and learn to play it properly. The student model is not the best in the world and there are better ones available. Below I've put some links to useful sites regarding the melodica and some fun stuff too. There are some great musicians who play.  A melodica comparison An excellent site for anything and everything about the melodica including a very good forum. A great demo of Suzuki melodicas or melodians. My funny Valentine by Mario Duenas

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