Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I came across this excellent site on Twitter. As well as information on Lynn Baker's work as a Jazz saxophonist and educator it features interesting articles on practising Jazz. I particularly like the blog, especially the article on "What I'm practicing". It makes a fascinating and insightful read.

You can find the page here and you can also follow Lynn baker on Twitter.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

African and Afro-Cuban rhythms

In my attempt to improve my playing in 6/8 and 12/8 I have been working quite hard recently on some African rhythms, particularly Bembe with its distinctive bell pattern.

Once i get a bit further down the road i will organise this better, but for now here are some useful links. The drummerworld one is particularly good and really offers alot of information on resources to improve your playing in this area. Song Trellis is also a fantastic resource for midi files and explanations on a huge number of African and Afro-Cuban rhythmic patterns.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJxRxXkFRlI&feature=related (Bembe played)
(Another drum forum with excellent links and advice)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011